
Back after a while...

First of all, I must apologize for neglecting this blog, I've been quite busy studying and also got robbed! Yes, I lost my camera :-( on my way to the university a few weeks ago.

Anyway, as I can't post pictures I've taken or recordings I've made now (like if I was posting much! hahaha) and I really don't want to use someone else's pictures to ask the world for information on guys I haven't seen, I'll try to post more about things I found online, like cool (for me to learn) info, interesting websites or blogs, all related to this, and of course asking for help of the cool birders I've met so far! (and new ones, of course!)

I hope you don't mind, it will still be some sort of notebook for me, easier to continue learning until I get close to an open area, garden, park, mountain, river, etc with eyes wide open and a big smile (...and a new camera, which sadly won't be fast - she says with a broken heart - due to being a foreign student with no money to spend besides the uni, but I'll make it!)...

Maybe it will be when I'm back home next January, back to Peru (miss home soooo much!!!), a perfect place to actually begin (and continue!!!) with this in the way I want to.

1 comment:

Mel said...

This is the point where it all changed and new possibilities opened in fron of me!!