A bird does not sing because it has an answer.
It sings because it has a song.
Chinese Proverb
New visitors
We've been missing birds VERY much.
But at least we had some unusual visitors at home lately.
This one was on the kitchen door, don't ask me what it is, because I have no idea. This is the first time I've seen this.
This snail left a 'gift' on the front door. We found it at 3am.
The next picture was taken by Tommy. He says it was about 10cm long!!! VERY unusual for where we live.
We are not familiar with this species either. So, this post is mostly to get some information. We would like to properly id these visitors.
We hope to be able to go on a little trip next weekend. Hopefully we'll be able to see some birds and get out of this grey city for a change (winter down here)
Broken back doesn't mean a broken spirit
Hello, dear friends.
It's been a while since I really posted something. I've been busy with work and something that is keeping most of my attention these weeks (no, it's not the neverending thesis)
I want to share with you a very personal story, it is about a friend of mine called Rita Lucía.
Rita Lucía turned 21 years old last month. About a couple of months before that, she had an accident and broke her spine.
After long hours of horrible pain, doctors decided for surgery, totally convinced that this pretty girl with cat's eyes wouldn't walk again. In fact, that's what they said to the family.
But she decided to prove them wrong. She was moving... and she wasn't supposed to!! She began with physical therapy and improved more and more. Today she can make a few steps with some help and keeps getting better. But, as over here the medication and therapy is not cheap at all, the family is thinking about many ways to help.
I decided to create a blog. It is called "Los amigos de Rita Lucía" (Friends of Rita Lucía), and the idea is to 'collect' ideas to help her and the family so she won't stop with her therapy and walks again really soon (her doctors still can't believe it!!). The blog is in Spanish, but it's open for anyone to leave support messages and ideas.
Thanks to some friends we managed to open bank accounts for her, a group of great women from Spain and Mexico decided to make some handcrafts and send them over here to sell for Christmas, another group of people is trying to get medicines and vitamins she needs, and so on.
IDEAS are VERY welcome, I know there's a lot of creative people out there, and I need your help!!
Rita is a great girl, and she wishes to continue helping others after she gets better, as so many people is helping her (even sending their get-well-soon thoughts) and that is something I admire of her.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know what I've been doing these past weeks, and ask for your advice and ideas. THANK YOU.
A visit to the museum
A few days ago we visited the Museo de la Nación, here in Lima.
We found a lot of things that were not from the past, but used today; especially in the Andes. One example: MASKS.
Masks have been used for centuries in all sorts of ceremonies, from religious to entertainment; with different shapes, colours and materials. Some of them represent animals, others represent devils (it is a recurring theme - the fight between good and evil) and some are reminders of the mockery by Peruvians of the early Spanish 'conquistadores'.

My favourite piece on this wall was the following... Can you guess why?

But I have to admit that I love ancient pieces and all things related to history, so, when I found the next piece I was very excited. I've seen similar pieces in the past, but finding it among all those 'modern' items made me enjoy it even more.
It is a 'Huaco Retrato' from the Mochica Culture , a representation of an owl.
This civilization flourished in northern Peru from about AD 100 to AD 800 (relatively new compared to others from over here)
They are particularly noted for their elaborately painted ceramics, gold work, monumental constructions (called 'Huacas') and incredible irrigation systems. Their culture was sophisticated and their artifacts document their lives with detailed scenes of hunting, fishing, fighting, sacrifice, sexual encounters and elaborate ceremonies. This one is from the early years, not yet perfected.

Mochicas pottery is some of the most varied in the world. The coloration of Moche pottery is often simple, with yellowish cream and rich red used almost exclusively on elite pieces, and with white and black used in only a few pieces. Seeing them with your own eyes is incredible.
If you are interested in history too, and you want to see pieces of stunning pottery, jewelry, stone works, etc. I recommend a visit to Museo Larco, you won't regret it.