
Until I can post something bird-related, and just so this won't be left aside by the friends who follow this poor blog, I'll post interesting stuff I found or got from friends about issues that I'm sure most birders would appreciate.

This guy got comments both good and bad about his video, personally I believe it is an interesting aproach to a subject that should be taken in consideration by more people, and instead of all the arguments and fights around it, just DO something, a little something that could help even if it's small like a grain of sand.

After that video, he posted more replying to some of the subjects that came up after the one I posted here. I really recomend watching them, they can be found on YouTube, he uploads videos with nick name wonderingmind42.

So, if you have some time to spare, watch them and let me know what you think (you probably watched them months ago, but as I just decided to post them it would be great to have your ideas and opinions, alike or different, sharing information and discusion with respect are key points on finding probable solutions or paliatives for such and important matter!)