
The condor

The Nasca Lines (Nazca)

These are a series of geoglyphs located in the Nasca Desert, 53 miles or more than 80 kilometers between the towns of Nasca and Palpa (Peru) , created by the Nasca culture between 200 BC and 700 AD.
There are hundreds of individual figures, from simple lines to stylized hummingbirds, spiders, monkeys and lizards.

The monkey

The Nasca lines cannot be recognized as coherent figures except from the air, as it is presumed the Nasca people could never have seen their work from the air, there has been much speculation on the builders' abilities and motivations.

The area encompassing the lines is nearly 500 square kilometers (200 square miles), and the largest figures can be nearly 270 meters (900 feet) long. The lines persist due to the extremely dry, windless, and constant climate of the Nasca region.

The spider

Here are some details on where the main figures are located:
Click on map to enlarge

And finally, some of the pictures of the birds represented there, condor, alcatraz, humming bird, parrot... Another proof of birds being important for ancient peruvians, I wish they were these days, hopefully they will be remembered soon and respected like they were in the past...

The hummingbird

The pelican

The parrot

The alcatraz


Mel said...

The hummingbird is my favourite :)

Tatiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said...

Mel, no me hagas reir mi divina mujer.
Mira, que no se si te conte que en Cusco me mande a hacer un piercing en la oreja izquierda. Alla consegui un mini hummingbird nasca (no se si es colibri o chupaflor o no se, dime tu la experta).
Bueno, lo hice porque una muchacha de Chinchero que nos dio clases, tenia un tulipan hermoso en la oreja izquierda. La loca misma se hizo el piercing (arriba en el borde).

HOY la barra que me pusieron en Cusco SE CAYO y ni idea donde esta. Menos mal, porque iba a que me la quitaran para ponerme mi parajito.

Quiero poner una foto en el FB de lo que tengo en la oreja. Tercer click que hago en google para buscar una foto linda... y AQUI ESTAS TU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hace 10 minutos cai en cuenta que Felicita tiene la flor alla en Chinchero, y yo el chupaflor.

Te quiero mi Mel. QUE HISTORIA.

Debe ser porque un pajarito te esta diciendo que hacer con la vida. Hay que escuchar. Te quiero mi Mel. Saludos a mi familia limenna.

Mel said...

Mi Tatiiiiiiii!!!
No puedo creer que hayas llegado aquí de esa manera, jaja
¿Ves? Estamos destinadas a encontrarnos una y otra vez :)